Travel Insurance Questions and Answers

What is Travel Insurance?
It is an insurance that reimburses your non-refundable travel expenses if an unforessen event (death, sickness, airline strike, etc.) occurs right before or during your trip causing it to be canceled, interrupted or delayed. Travel Insurance includes a wide variety of protection benefits to travel with peace of mind, like Medical expenses, Trip Cancellation, Trip Interruption, Trip Delay, Emergency Medical Evacuation, Repatriation, Loss and Delay of Baggage, Personal Effects, Flight protection, Travel Assistance Services and more.
Why do I need a Travel Insurance?
Traveling overseas always involves risks and nobody knows what could happen when planning a trip to a Foreign Country. Many health insurance, domestic coverage or travel assistance plans provide limited or no coverage at all for expenses incurred abroad and you could be exposed to substantial non expected charges.
Buying Travel Insurance provides peace of mind to your trip and protection in case you and/or your travel companions need to afford unexpected extra costs like Medical expenses, Cancellation or Interruption charges, Trip Delays, Emergency Medical Evacuation, Repatriation, Loss / delay of Baggage, loss of Personal Effects, Flight accidents, and more.
Travel insurance can give you the peace of mind you need to travel with confidence.
What is the difference between Travel Assistance and Travel Insurance?
Travel Assistance plans are not insurance products, so they are not ruled or supervised by Insurance Laws or Regulators. Likewise, travel assistance companies are not required to be supported by global reinsurers.
What is basically covered by the Travel Insurance?
Our Travel Insurance programs have been specially designed with the following essential list of benefits that can give peace of mind to you and your traveling companions: Medical Expenses, Trip Cancellation, Trip Interruption, Trip Delay, Emergency Medical Evacuation, Repatriation, Loss and Delay of Baggage, Additional Accident Flight protection, Travel Assistance Services and more. See the Summary of Benefits for each plan for details and to find the coverage that better fits your needs.
What types of Travel Insurance are available?
We offer 3 groups of plans >
Travel Insurance / Travel Medical Insurance: Plans oriented to Medical Expenses protection with several alternatives of limits per occurrence together with other additional benefits.
Travel Insurance with Trip Cancellation benefit: These plans provide Benefits of Cancellation and Interruption of your trip plus different alternatives of Medical Expenses Benefits.
Annual Travel Insurance for multiple trips:
These plans are specifically oriented at frequent travelers and businessmen who go on 3 or more trips during the year.
What is the deductible? How it is applied?

Deductible is the, single fixed amount, you must pay to the medical provider at the same event when making your first appointment. All our plans have a deductible of $ 50 and a maximum of three deductible per family is applied within the same coverage.

Where can I buy a Travel Insurance?
Our company was born to operate electronically and completely online.  You can buy with confidence travel insurance plans in a simple, reliable and secure way through an exclusive online system. Please click here to buy now.
Who can buy Travel Insurance?
All kinds of groups, organizations and individuals from all around the world can purchase our travel insurance plans, at the same cost, coverage quality and with no benefit reduction for any traveler, regardless of the country of origin. Please click here for detailed information.
Is there an age limit to buy a Travel Insurance?
Any person over 14-days old can purchase our travel insurance plans. Please note that in some travel insurance, the medical expense maximum permitted varies according to the age of the travelers.
How much does a Travel Insurance cost?
Prices vary depending on duration of trip, benefits of plan and age of traveler. To find out how much your policy would cost, please click here to get a quote.
How can I pay for a Travel Insurance?
We offer Secure Purchasing Guarantee and accept the main credit cards such as: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Diners and JCV.
What does Country of Residence mean?
It is the country where you have permanent residence, independently of your country of origin. The country of permanent residence can be defined as the country you would wish to be repatriated to in the event of a medical emergency.
What country is the Coverage good for?
We provide worldwide coverage (provided that you are traveling outside your country of residence).
Preferrd Plans, only available for USA residents, also provide coverage for trips within US to any destination starting 100 miles from your residence.
When is the Coverage active?
Your policy is active as of 12:01AM of the day following the purchase date. However, there are plans with benefits that become effective on or after departure date.
When does the Coverage start?
All coverages start on departure date. However, the Trip Cancellation benefit of this kind of policy is effective as of 12:01AM of the day following the purchase date. All other benefits start on or after departure.
When does the Coverage expire or end?
Coverage ends after returning to your country of residence on return date. However, if you purchase a plan with benefits for a determined period of travel, your policy will expire on the last day of that travel period.
How can I extend the Coverage?
You can extend your coverage before its expiration date by requesting the extension through this website or by e-mail to Subject to approval, any applicable extra premium will be charged to the original Credit Card unless requested otherwise. 
When can I cancel the Coverage?
Travel Insurance / Travel Medical Insurance: Cancellations are permissible until the day before the departure date.
Travel Insurance with Trip Cancellation benefit:
Cancellations are permissible within the free look period. Free look time period might vary by plan.
Annual Travel Insurance for multiple trips: Cancellations are permissible until the day before the start date.
When can I request a refund?
Travel Insurance / Travel Medical Insurance: Premium for the full term of coverage will be refunded only when a request for policy cancellation sent to is received prior to the Departure Date. After the Policy is Effective on Departure Date, premium is considered fully earned and non-refundable.
Travel Insurance with Trip Cancellation benefits: Premium for the full term of coverage will be refunded only when a request for policy cancellation sent to is received within the free-look back period after Purchase Date. Free look time period might vary by plan.
Annual Travel Insurance for multiple trips: Premium for the full term of coverage will be refunded only when a written request for policy cancellation sent to is received prior to the Start Date. After the Policy is Effective on Start Date, premium is considered fully earned and non-refundable.
Where can I get a copy of Receipt/Certificate or virtual ID Card?
All the necessary documents will be sent to you by e-mail, to the e-mail address you state in the on-line purchase form. Notwithstanding that, You will always be able to download, resend to yourself or print the documents within our website. To download a copy of your documentation, please visit Customer Service / My Travel Documentation.
How do I get international assistance?
Please visit Customer Service / Find Provider, you will find instructions to follow and telephone numbers to call for assistance.
What do I do in case of an emergency?
Please visit Customer Service / In Case of Emergency, you will have to input your data and the requested information. You will have instructions to follow and telephone numbers to call for an emergency.
Can I make a claim during the trip?
Yes. Every claim form is available in our website. Please visit Customer Service / Claims, you will find instructions to follow, telephone numbers to call receive assistance and claims forms to download, depending the kind of policy you bought.
Can I wait until I return to file a claim?
You can wait until your return to your Country or Residence to file a claim, but it is important to submit your claim within 30 days after the date of service. Please remember to keep the original invoices of any expenses you incurred in, as they will be requested together with the claim’s form. Please visit Customer Service / Claims to file a claim.
What can I file a claim for?
You can file a claim for non-refundable expenses incurred by you and your traveling companions under your Certificate of coverage due to Accident or Sickness, Trip Cancellation, Delay or Interruption, Loss of Baggage and Personal Effects. Please read your Summary of Benefits for a full list of benefits.
Who is the Administrator for claims and emergencies?
For TravelMedical and TripProtection insurance plans: We use the services of Seven Corners Assist of Indiana, USA.
Who is providing support and backing up the Travel Insurance?

TravelMedical insurance plans are internationally underwritten by Crum & Forster SPC.
TripProtection insurance plans are underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company.

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