Travel Medical Insurance

Travel insurance with medical expenses benefits

Traveling overseas always involves risks: You or your travel companions might need to afford medical expenses arising from an accident or acute illness. Many health insurance, domestic coverage or travel assistance plans provide limited or no coverage at all for expenses incurred abroad and other risks. You could be exposed to substantial non expected charges if you do not have a travel medical insurance plan.

No matter your country of residence, you will be able to travel to a Foreign Country enjoying a worry-free trip if you choose any of our travel medical plans.


  • Medical Expenses up to US$ 1,000,000.
  • Medical Evacuation / Repatriation up to US$ 500,000.
  • Accidental Death & Dismemberment up to US$ 25,000.
  • Emergency Reunion up to US$ 50,000.
  • Return of Remains.
  • and more!

TravelMedical plans

TravelMedical plans are international travel insurance available for travelers worldwide who are traveling outside their Country of Residence to any destination. Unlike most travel insurance, these travel protection plans can be purchased before and after departure from Country of Residence.

These plans may be purchased for up to 12 months and the medical coverage options of from US$ 50,000, US$ 100,000, US$ 500,000 and US$ 1,000,000 maximum limits, all with unlimited occurrences.

These global medical plans are aimed for any type of traveler and trip; for short, medium or long periods that you wish to be completely covered and worry free in case of any event that might take place during the trip.

TravelMedical plans are internationally underwritten by Crum & Forster SPC.

TripProtection plan

TripProtection plans are a travel insurance only available and specially designed for residents in the United States for travel around the world and/or within the United States. These plans may be purchased for up to a maximum of 180 days of travel and the options of medical coverage are available in maximum limits of US$ 100,000 and US$ 500,000, all with unlimited occurrences.
The rate is fixed during the first 30 days of travel which is ideal for tourists and short-term business travelers. These plans are perfect if you wish to have the peace of mind of a complete coverage for any need that you could have during your trip.

TripProtection plans are underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company.

+1 310 694-8453