Summary of Benefits


TravelMedical Plans

Medical Expenses
Maximum Limits:
US$ 50,000(Available up to 79 years old).
US$ 100,000(Available up to 79 years old).
US$ 500,000(Available up to 69 years old).
US$ 1,000,000(Available up to 69 years old).
Age 80+ maximum limited to US$ 10,000.
Local Ambulance Expenses
Included in the Medical Expense Benefit.
Inside USA, maximum US$ 10,000.
Dental Emergency
Accident Coverage up to US$ 500.
Sudden Relief of Pain up to US$ 200.
Medical Evacuation / Repatriation
US$ 500,000.
Emergency Reunion
US$ 50,000.
Daily Benefit: US$ 200 per day, 10-day limit.
Return of Remains
US$ 50,000.
US$ 5,000 Local Burial or Cremation.
Transportation of Children
US$ 50,000.
Accidental Death & Dismemberment
US$ 25,000 Primary sum. US$ 5,000 dependent up to 18 years.
Aggregate limit of US$ 250,000.
Common Carrier AD&D
US$ 50,000 Primary sum. US$ 10,000 dependent up to 18 years.
Aggregate limit of US$ 250,000.
Security Assistance / Political Evacuation
US$ 10,000.
Natural Disaster
US$ 25,000.
Daily Benefit: US$ 100 per day, 5-day limit.
Terrorist Activity
US$ 25,000.
Acute Onset of Pre-Existing Conditions
US$ 50,000 (Age 70+ US$ 5,000 / Age 80+ N/A).
Adventure Activities Coverage
Optional upgrade: Medical Expense maximum.
Covid-19 Treatment
Up to medical expenses.
Trip Interruption
US$ 5,000.
Trip Interruption
US$ 5,000.
Baggage / Personal Effects
US$ 500 por occurencia.
US$ 50 per article. US$ 100 Lost or Stolen Travel Documents.
Personal Liability
US$ 50,000.
Home Country Coverage
Incidental Trips to Home Country: US$ 10,000.
Home Country Extension of Benefits: US$ 10,000.
Schengen Visa Compatibility
Travel Assistance Services
No Coinsurance, plan pays 100% of eligible expenses except USA.
Inside USA:
In PPO network: 100% of eligible expenses.
Out of PPO network: 90% of first US$ 10,000, then 100% to Medical Maximum.
Options US$: 0, 100, 250 or 500.
Crum & Forster SPC
+1 310 694-8453